The Essential NLP Practitioner's Handbook
Whether you dabble in NLP or are in the process of setting up your practice or are already working as a Change Specialist then this is the book for you. The Essential NLP Practitioner’s Handbook offers you a rich source of practical information, key insights, proven methods of working and support…. everything that you need to be a successful NLP Practitioner and that NLP courses simply don’t have the time to teach you. It is the missing piece that you have been searching for – to enable you to be the best NLP Practitioner that you can be.
"This is an important book for NLP..."
David Shephard, Master Trainer &
President of The American Board of NLP
The Essential NLP Practitioner’s Handbook does exactly what it says on the cover – it shows you how to succeed as an NLP Therapist & Coach.
You’ve perhaps spent anything up to £10,000 on your NLP training and yet you still have so many questions and gaps in your knowledge. All those unanswered ‘What if…?’ and ‘How do I…?’ questions whirring in your head. It’s only natural that when you start using your NLP skills in the real world that you will need additional guidance. The reality is that there is only so much that can be covered in a classroom – the bulk of your learning happens through hands-on, ‘on the job’ training. In other words, getting out there, working with Clients and doing it for real.
Everything That You Need To Succeed!
The Essential NLP Practitioner’s Handbook helps you bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world. It is essential reading for all levels of NLP interest & experience and a great resource for anyone who dreams of becoming a successful Coach and/or Therapist. It provides all the information that you need to maximise the value of your training and:
Feel more confident in your ability to set up and run a thriving business
Deliver professional Therapy & Coaching sessions that get great results and guarantee referrals
Help your Clients overcome anxiety, insomnia, phobias, obesity, confidence issues and much more…
If you want to save time, money, energy and achieve success as an NLP Therapist and Coach then The Essential NLP Practitioner’s Handbook is the only book that you need.